the people’s portfolio

the organization

The People’s Portfolio is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that uses multi-media storytelling to document humanitarian efforts around the globe and to humanize important statistics. Collaborating with NGO partners and advocacy organizations, they select important social and civil issues that urgently need awareness and create compelling visual advocacy that enhances the capacity of NGOs to reach mainstream audiences with dynamic, non-partisan storytelling, frames human rights defenders as inspirational global leaders, and propels important issue advocacy into mainstream media at key moments.

US Immigration portfolio for L’Officiel Spain

US Immigration portfolio for L’Officiel Spain

my role

Creative direction and production of print and digital media, direction of junior board of trustees, management and creative on social media, fundraising, writing communications materials and grant proposals. Creative contributor to documentary My Body Is Not A Weapon (2019, 38 min).

Below is a highlight of select projects and portfolios directed and managed while at The People’s Portfolio.

Sexual Violence and Mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo portfolio for TIME Magazine online

Sexual Violence and Mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo portfolio for TIME Magazine online

US Immigration portfolio for World Human Rights Day Times Square public display

US Immigration portfolio for World Human Rights Day Times Square public display

Sexual Violence and Mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo portfolio for Hunger Magazine

Sexual Violence and Mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo portfolio for Hunger Magazine

My Body Is Not a Weapon, short documentary. 38 min, 2019.